The kick-off meeting of the DIVET project, coordinated by Action Synergy, was organised in Athens from the 28th of February until the 1st of March 2019.
This new Erasmus+ project is about the development of skills for specialised professionals in the field of exports through the use of internet and social media and is going to be implemented between January 2019 – December 2020.
The aims of the project are:
- the development of the skills of young people who are interested to work in the field of exports through the internet and through the social media in order to increase their employability.
- the formation of trained professionals that have the necessary skills in order to cover the needs of modern enterprises.
During the first partners’ meeting, after a general introduction, there were discussed the expected objectives, the deliverables and issues related with monitoring and quality assurance. It was also discussed the skills that were initially identified for the qualification profile of the “Export specialist via Internet and the social media”. These skills are then going to be confirmed by stakeholders in the focus groups that are going to be organised.