
The DIVET Project

The DIVET Project

Target Groups

The main target groups of the project are students willing to work in the field of internet and social media based marketing and companies (mainly SMEs) active in the sector.

The SMEs are going to be reached first of all through direct contact through their membership in chambers of commerce and professional associations. The project consortium includes one representative of the enterprises in each country. These organisations are in a very good position to communicate directly with their members and inform them about the project. Since the project is going to focus on internet based and social media exports, online advertisement is also going to be used in order to advertise widely the results of the project through internet. A facebook page is going to be developed for the project, through which invitations are going to be made to various SMEs to join the page in order to stay informed regarding the project’s results and activities. Apart from the facebook campaign, internet promotion will include also: postings in SMEs social networks, posting in listservs, use of online databases for contacting SMEs (always taking into consideration the new regulations related with personal data protection) etc.

Online advertisement is going to be also an important channel to reach VET students especially young students. For this reason, specific attention is going to be paid in advertisement through Facebook and other social networks. Newsletters are also a channel that is going to be used in order to reach the VET students. VET organisations have their own networks and databases in order to send the newsletter to interested participants. Through their contacts and networks, VET organisations (but also all the organisations that are involved in the project) are able to communicate directly with potentially interested participants.

The DIVET Project


The expected impact of the project is different according to each target group addressed.

The VET students are going to: increase their knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of internet and social media based exports, acquire international experience either through their participation in the mobility scheme or through the increased cooperation with students from other VET providers, acquire work-based experience through their participation in apprenticeships, increase their employability. During the pilot implementation of the project, it is expected that 80 students coming from 4 partner countries are going to be enrolled in the joint qualification. For the pilot year (2019-2020), at least 8 students are going to participate in transnational mobility abroad and are going to combine classroom learning and work-based learning in another country. Applications are going to be made to the ErasmusPRO scheme in order to support the mobility also of the rest of the students.

The companies (especially SMEs) in the partner countries that are active in exports and are interested in the use of internet and social media for exports are going to: be able to find more easily well trained professionals that would be in the position to increase their exports through the social media, increase their influence in the development of VET curricula in order to ensure that the curricula will meet their needs and increase their engagement in apprenticeships and work based learning. It is expected that during the pilot phase of the project, 120 export-oriented companies are going to be involved.

The VET organisations involved are going to: improve and innovate their training offer, increase their internationalization, improve their cooperation with companies and the market.

The project is going to have an impact in the VET training in the sector since it is going to improve the image of VET related with its capacity of innovation and its relevance to the labor market. It is going to contribute also to the increase of the influence of the SMEs to training procedures and acquisition of a decisive role in apprenticeship programs, the increase of the opportunity of certification bodies to harmonize their methods and techniques with other similar bodies in Europe and the improvement of the professional practices through the alternation and the involvement of the company in the educational, formative programs and the evaluation.

The DIVET Project

The objectives of DIVET

The general objective of the project is to improve the VET offer in the field of exports through the use of Internet and the social media in order to increase the number of specialists in the field, increase the capacity of the companies (especially SMEs) to engage in online export activities and increase the employability of VET students interested in the field in the market.

The specific objective of the project is to develop a joint qualification profile with a strong work-based learning component between VET organisations in 3 countries in the field of internet and social media exports.

The project is contributing significantly to the achievement of all the objectives of the call for proposals.

First of all it increases the employability of young people. The specific professional profile is very much needed by the companies in order to develop their export related skills and competencies and is a profile that is something completely new for the countries that are participating in the project consortium. Therefore, the joint qualification is going to train professionals for which there is a high demand in the market.

The project aims to contribute to the development of a highly skilled, qualified and mobile workforce because it aims to develop a high profile course with cooperation of recognized experts from the partner countries and abroad and is going to put emphasis on the work-based learning component and work mobility.

The project is also supporting joint developments in VET in Europe since it introduces to the VET systems of the partner countries, a profile that is completely new, fostering in this way innovation in the sector.

Finally, the project is aiming to strengthen the quality, relevance and attractiveness of VET and improve its image. The organization of a joint qualification for an innovative professional profile which is on the same time highly demanded in the market but non-existent in the VET offers will increase significantly the attractiveness of VET.

The design of a joint qualification is the main activity through which the general objectives of the project will be achieved. The joint curriculum will increase significantly the knowledge, skills and competencies of young people willing to work in the field of internet and social media exports. In parallel, the development of sustainable cooperation structures and quality assurance mechanisms contribute on the one hand to the sustainability of this training provision and on the other hand to the increase of the quality and attractiveness of VET.